Monday, June 6, 2016

Twenty Questions - Guess the object

The teacher can cut from magazines or catalogues pictures of  several articles  and paste on a cardboard.

It is necessary to have many, so that each pair has at least 3 or four pictures.

Students choose one card and don't show it to their partners, the partner has to guess what object it is asking the questions below, or others.

The teacher  can write, as a suggestion, on the board questions such as:

Would you find this in a house?

Does it weigh more than 5 kilos?

Does it have wheels?

Does it make noise?

Do you have one?

Can you eat it?

Can you wear it?

Is it used in  the summer?

Students may work in pairs and may only answer YES or No questions and keep track of the number of questions.

They can ask many other questions as long as the answer is only YES or No.

The goal is to guess the objet that is in the picture asking less than 20 Questions!!!

Have fun!!!

If you like to play games with your students visit my website


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