Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Fly Swatter Game - The Verb Be

Your students will have a great time playing this game.... and so will you...
It is very simple...

You will need -
*  Fly swatters ( the same number of students playing the game, or you can divide your students in groups and each group has one fly swatter).


* Spread only the yellow cards on a table.
* The students will be around the table, each with a Fly Swatter
* Yoy say a word that is spread on the table, the aim of the students is to find it quickly, hit with the fly swatter.
* The students that hits first, gets the card.
* The winner is the student, or group with the biggest number of cards.

If you want to make it more challenging.
* After hitting the word, the student has to say a  sentence using the word in the card. If the sentence is correct they get the card and consequently the point. If the sentence is wrong they have to put the card back on the table and, of course, don't get the point.

Have Fun!!!! And let me know if the students enjoyed it!!!


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